Date & Time Difference

Returns the difference between 2 date & time values.

Example: Date & Time Difference(A: 18th Nov 2021, B: 20th Nov 2021) = 2 days.

Tip: always make sure that the "B" data input is larger than/equal to the "A" data input.

Flow Connections

  • [Input] In - starts the block's execution.

  • [Output] Out - activates when the block has finished its execution.

Data Connections

  • [Input] A (date/time/date & time/time span) - 1st value to be evaluated.

  • [Input] A (date/time/date & time/time span) - 2nd value to be evaluated.

  • [Output] Time Span (time span) - difference between "A" and "B" data inputs, as in "B" - "A".

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