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Label (not mandatory) to be used to show the component's label.
Placeholder (not mandatory) to be used to show the component's placeholder.
Name (mandatory) - name of the component.
Tooltip (not mandatory) - tooltip string.
Min (mandatory) - minimum timestamp value [unix formatted] to start from. Is set to 0 by default.
Max (mandatory) - maximum timestamp value [unix formatted] which can be selected. Equivavalent to the moment of creation by default.
Step (not mandatory) - selection step value.
Required (mandatory) - marks if the selection required or not. Is set to false by default.
Allow clear (mandatory) - allows clear on selection. Is set to false by default.
Disabled (mandatory) - makes the component disabled if turned on. Is turned off by default.
Visible (mandatory) - makes the component visible if turned on. Enabled by default.
onChange - fires when the dropdown option is changed.
onFocus - fires when the Select component is being focused on.
onBlur - fires when the Select component is blurred.
onCreate - fires when the component is created.
onShow - fires when the component is shown.
onHide - fires when the component is hidden.
onDestroy - fires when the component is shown.
onEnterKey - fires when the Enter key is pressed.
Gets the component's properties.
Input parameters:
Component Id [string] - component's identifier;
Output parameters:
Label [string] - component's label;
Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;
Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;
Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;
Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;
Required [boolean] - shows required mark if true;
Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;
Min [datetime] - minimum timestamp value [unix formatted] to start from;
Max [datetime] - maximum timestamp value [unix formatted] which can be selected;
Value [datetime] - selected timestamp value [unix formatted];
Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;
Sets the component's properties.
Input parameters:
Component Id [string] - component's identifier;
Label [string] - component's label;
Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;
Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;
Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;
Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;
Required [boolean] - shows required mark if true;
Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;
Min [datetime] - minimum timestamp value [unix formatted] to start from;
Max [datetime] - maximum timestamp value [unix formatted] which can be selected;
Value [datetime] - selected timestamp value [unix formatted];
Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;
Updates component's properties.
Input parameters:
Component Id [string] - component's identifier;
Label [string] - component's label;
Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;
Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;
Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;
Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;
Required [boolean] - shows required mark if true;
Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;
Min [datetime] - minimum timestamp value [unix formatted] to start from;
Max [datetime] - maximum timestamp value [unix formatted] which can be selected;
Value [datetime] - selected timestamp value [unix formatted];
Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;
Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;
Validates the selected timestamp value from the DateTime Picker component.
Input parameters:
Component Id [string] - component's identifier;
Output parameters:
Success [boolean] - validation result;
Error [string] - error message;
To parse the selected time and gets all its composites, the following logic should be used
Drag the Timepicker Get Properties block and drop it into the canvas. Component ID has to be specified in order to get the value from the Time Picker component
The selected value can be divided into some minor parts, like seconds, minutes etc. Expand time has to be used.
Allows to select the timestamp.