
Finds a model object in the database based on its ID and returns it.

Flow Connections

  • [Input] In - starts the block's execution.

  • [Output] Out - activates when the block has finished its execution.

Data Connections

  • [Input] ID (integer) - ID of the model object to retrieve from the database.

  • [Input] _with (enum, optional) - data models connected to the target model object to retrieve from the database. Can then be used after expanding the found model object. Read more about _with in the Business Processes FAQ.

  • [Output] Model (model) - model object found in the database.

In case the model you are getting has one-to-many or many-to-many relations and you have selected the related model to be returned using the _with data input, you will also be able to define which related objects will be returned (by applying _Sort, _Search, and similar on them) (see video above for more details).

Last updated