
Element for displaying graphs and charts

Initial setting:

Model - data model for the chart.

Endpoint - data source for the chart.

Field X - to be shown in the initial settings when Model is specified only.

Field Y - to be shown in the initial settings when Model is specified only.

Look&Feel Settings:

Title (not mandatory) - chart title.

Type size (mandatory) - chart type.

X axe caption (not mandatory) - x-axis title.

Aggregate by (not mandatory) - sort by date.

Y axe caption (not mandatory) - y-axis title.

Method (not mandatory) - counting method.

Name (mandatory) - name of the chart.


In this section, you can control the chart axes.

Workflow triggers:

  • onCreate – fires when the component is created on the page;

  • onShow – fires when the component changes its state to visible (displayed on the page);

  • onHide – fires when the component changes its state to hidden (stops being displayed);

  • onDestroy – fires when the component is destroyed;

  • onDataUpdate – fires by the Chart Update Data block.

Component Actions:

Chart Get Properties:

Gets chart's properties

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - chart component's identifier.

Output parameters:

  • Aggregate by [enum] - selected method of aggregation by date;

  • Method [enum] - selected counting method;

  • X axe caption [string] - x-axis title;

  • Y axe caption [string] - y-axis title;

  • Visible [boolean] - state of visible;

  • Loading [boolean] - state of loading.

Chart Set Properties:

Sets chart's properties

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - chart component's identifier;

  • Aggregate by [enum] - selected method of aggregation by date;

  • Method [enum] - selected counting method;

  • X axe caption [string] - x-axis title;

  • Y axe caption [string] - y-axis title;

  • Visible [boolean] - state of visible;

  • Loading [boolean] - state of loading.

Chart Update Properties:

Update chart's properties

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - chart component's identifier;

  • Aggregate by [enum] - selected method of aggregation by date;

  • Method [enum] - selected counting method;

  • X axe caption [string] - x-axis title;

  • Y axe caption [string] - y-axis title;

  • Visible [boolean] - state of visible;

  • Loading [boolean] - state of loading.

Chart Get Data

Gets data from chart

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - view component's identifier.

Output parameters:

  • Data [Data Model] - Data Model element to be used. Available in the business process when Component ID is specified only.

Chart Set Data

Sets data for chart

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - chart component's identifier.

  • Data [Data Model] - Data Model element to be used. Available in the business process when Component ID is specified only.

Chart Update Data

Update data for chart

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - chart component's identifier.

  • Data [Data Model] - Data Model element to be used. Available in the business process when Component ID is specified only.

Usage example:

This element is suitable for displaying data and relationships between them. For example, the number of orders, from the date

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