
Select component to select predefined options.

Initial settings

Mode - choose Multiple for being able to select multiple options from the dropdown. Otherwise, Single mode should be used.

Look&Feel Settings

Label (not mantory) to be used to show the component's label.

Placeholder (not mandatory) to be used to show the component's placeholder.

Name (mandatory) - name of the component.

Size (mandatory) - size of the component. Is set to Default when component is created.

Search (mandatory) - to be able to search within available dropdown options. Is turned off by default.

Clear icon (mandatory) - shows clear options icon if enabled. Is turned off by default.

Disabled (mandatory) - makes the component disabled if turned on. Is turned off by default.

Visible (mandatory) - makes the component visible if turned on. Enabled by default.


Select Options can be predefined in the component settings.

Workflow triggers

  • onChange - fires when the dropdown option is changed.

  • onFocus - fires when the Select component is being focused on.

  • onBlur - fires when the Select component is blurred.

  • onCreate - fires when the component is created.

  • onDestroy - fires when the component is shown.

Component Actions

Select Get Properties

Gets the component's properties.

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - Select component's identifier;

Output parameters:

  • Label [string] - component's label;

  • Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;

  • Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;

  • Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;

  • Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;

  • Required Mark [boolean] - shows required mark if true;

  • Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;

  • Options [Select Option array] - an array of predefined select options;

  • Selected [Select Option array] - an array of selected options or just an array with single element in case of Single Mode;

  • Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;

Select Set Properties

Sets the component's properties.

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - Select component's identifier;

  • Label [string] - component's label;

  • Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;

  • Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;

  • Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;

  • Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;

  • Required Mark [boolean] - shows required mark if true;

  • Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;

  • Options [Select Option array] - an array of predefined select options;

  • Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;

Select Update Properties

Updates component's properties.

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - Select component's identifier;

  • Label [string] - component's label;

  • Placeholder [string] - component's placeholder;

  • Allow Clear [boolean] - allows clear the selection if true;

  • Disable [boolean] - disables component if true;

  • Tooltip [string] - tooltip string;

  • Required Mark [boolean] - shows required mark if true;

  • Debounce (ms) [integer] - delay to validate the value;

  • Options [Select Option array] - an array of predefined select options;

  • Validate Icon [boolean] - icon to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Status [Status type] - status to be shown on validate the value;

  • Validate Message [string] - message to be shown on validate the value;

Make Select Option

Composes Select Option model with the given fields.

Input parameters:

  • ID [integer] - Select Option ID;

  • Label [string] - Select Option's label;

  • Value [integer] - Select Option's order value in the dropdown list;

  • Icon [string] - icon to be used in the Select Option item;

  • Disabled [boolean] - disables the Select Option if true;

Output parameters:

  • Select Option [Select Option] - Select Option model;

Expand Select Option

Expands Select Option model.

Input parameters:

  • Select Option [Select Option] - Select Option model;

Output parameters:

  • ID [integer] - Select Option ID;

  • Label [string] - Select Option's label;

  • Value [integer] - Select Option's order value in the dropdown list;

  • Icon [string] - icon to be used in the Select Option item;

  • Disabled [boolean] - disables the Select Option if true;

Usage example

It is possible to compose and add new Select Option items into the dropdown list via frontend business processes.

The logic should be following:

  • Compose a new Select Option item with specified fields (Make Select Option)

  • Get the existing Select Option items array (Select Get Properties) and merge it with the Select Option item created earlier (Append Array)

  • Update Select Option items array (Select Update Properties) for the specified Select component

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