Make Date/Time/Date & Time/Time Span

Returns a date/time/date & time/time span from given values.

Tip: some data inputs can be left without a value, in this case, they will be set to their default value. For example, if no value is provided for the milliseconds data input in make time, the milliseconds in the result will be set to 0.




Year, Month, Day


Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds

Date & Time

Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds

Time Span

Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds

Flow Connections

  • [Input] In - starts the block's execution.

  • [Output] Out - activates when the block has finished its execution.

Data Connections

  • [Input] Values (integer, multiple) - values from which the date & time object will be created.

  • [Output] Result (depends on the block) - date & time object.

Last updated