
Element to display text

Look&Feel Settings:

Label text (mandatory) - text to display.

Icon (not mandatory) - label icon.

Size (mandatory) - text size.

Name (mantory) - this name will help you find this component in BP.

Visible (mandatory) - makes the component visible if turned on. Enabled by default.

Workflow triggers:

  • onCreate – fires when the element is created on the page;

  • onShow – fires when the component changes its state to visible (displayed on the page);

  • onHide – fires when the component changes its state to hidden (stops being displayed);

  • onDestroy – fires when the component is destroyed;

  • onClick - fires when the component is clicked.

Component Actions:

Label get properties

Gets the label's properties. Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - label component's identifier.

Output parameters:

  • Label [string] - label text;

  • Font size [string] - text size;

  • Font color [string] - text color;

  • Visible [boolean] - component visibility state.

Label set properties

Sets all label's properties

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - label component's identifier;

  • Label [string] - label text;

  • Font size [string] - text size;

  • Font color [string] - text color;

  • Visible [boolean] - component visibility state.

Label update properties

Update label's properties

Input parameters:

  • Component Id [string] - label component's identifier;

  • Label [string] - label text;

  • Font size [string] - text size;

  • Font color [string] - text color;

  • Visible [boolean] - component visibility state.

Usage example:

The label element can display dynamic content

Last updated